Thursday, August 31, 2006

Baby Knits

Chloe is 3 weeks old now and I haven't touched a knitting needle since before she was born! Will I ever have time to knit again? I sure hope so. So does the half-finished cardigan sitting on our coffee table! Good thing I planned ahead and started it in a 9 month size. I had a feeling I'd need some extra time to finish that one.

We still haven't put much of the baby knits to good use yet. Why? Because everything is still too big! Even the teensy hats I made. She is just so tiny. The only thing that she's worn so far are the stay-on baby booties (which really DO stay on!). I put her in this pink hat and yellow soakers just for a few minutes to take pictures. But the hat's too big and kept popping off and the soakers are too small!! Whoops.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

She's here!

Chloe Inara arrived 8/9/06 at 10:02 AM!

6 lbs 14 oz & 20 inches long with a head full of dark hair. Hubby and I are sooo in love! :-)

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