Friday, April 04, 2008

Practical knitting

Nothing spectacular, but still fun all the same!

My MIL gave us some crocheted pot scrubbies for Christmas a few years in a row. Well, we didn't get one this year and I decided.. why not make my own? Now, I could have figured out the simple crochet and done it that way. But I also could just knit a little garter stitch and call it good. ;-)

I made this by cutting up a yard of nylon netting into 2" strips. Easy peasy and only $.77!

I've also started on a wash cloth knitting adventure. Chloe's baby wash cloths are just grimy after almost 2 years of use so I decided to knit some instead of buying new ones. And I can put pictures of all her favorite things on them AND coordinate the colors with her bathroom. Here's the first one... a beautiful blue "foo-fly!" as she calls it.

Many more to follow!


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